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    Avocado Hass

    $1.29 each
    The Avocado Hass is one of the most delicious varieties of avocado, with a rich creamy flesh and superior taste. Additionally, they have a pebbly skin that ripens from green to deep purple or nearly black. Origin: Dominican Republic, Florida Availability: Year Round  
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    Banana Manzano

    $0.59 each
    1 unit Banana Manzano (Apple Bananas) are distinguished by their size, texture, and flavor. The light cream colored flesh's texture is firm when young, growing to be tender and creamy when ripe. Origin: Colombia Availability: Year-Round
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    The elongated Maradol Papaya resembles a football a big, yellowish-green football that can weigh four pounds or more. Inside, the flesh is sweet and reddish-orange with a center cavity filled with slippery black seeds Origin: Guatemala Availability: Year-Round
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