• Thai Chili Red

    $2.89 /bag
    8 oz Thai Chili Red are a must in Southeast Asian cuisine and are used to add spice and heat to foods.  Their flavor will complement ingredients including green papaya, citrus juice of lime, yuzu and lemon, garlic, onion, eggplant, and more. Origin: Dominican Republic Availability: Year-Round    
  • Chinese Bitter Melon is a green, cucumber-shaped vegetable with a unique bitter taste. Typically grows in countries with a tropical climate. Very popular in Asian cooking . Similarly, famous for its effects on obesity and diabetes. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, U.S. Availability: Year-Round  
  • Out of stock

    Green Mango

    $1.99 each
    Keitt or Green mangoes are one of the most juicy, thin-seeded, and largest type available. They turn from orange-green to bright green when ripe and have a golden-orange flesh. Origin: Nicaragua Availability: February – July
  • Yucca

    $1.19 each
    The Yuca root is an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. Yuca may help prevent arthritis in both humans and animals. It may treat particular intestinal infections as well. Origin: Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua Availability: Year-Round  
  • Papaya Solo

    $1.89 each
    The Papaya solo is a melon like fruit with a thin skin ranging from green to orange enclosing a yellow-orange flesh. Papayas are a good source of vitamin A and C. The Papaya Solo enzyme is called Papain and it is used to break down tough meat fibers. Origin: Brazil Availability: Year-Round
  • Malanga Coco

    $4.49 each
    Malanga Coco is similar to a yam in appearance and a potato in flavor. This root is commonly used in tropical countries. Malanga is also similar to Taro in texture and appearance but has a woodsy taste with a hint of black walnut. Origin: Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua Availability: Year-Round
  • Boniato

    $2.49 each
    The Boniato (also called Batata) may be pink, purple, cream, or red. However, its flesh is dry, white, and smooth in texture. It can be baked or roasted and can be served whole or mashed just like a regular baked potato. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Green Habanero

    $2.59 /bag
    8 oz
    Green habanero is a type of chili pepper; characteristically lantern-shaped. The immature pod of what will ripen to orange and lastly red. Great source of vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Primarily used in salsas and marinades.
    Origin: Dominican Republic,  USA
    Availability: Year-Round
  • Papaya Green

    $2.29 each
    Green Papaya has a smooth green skin instead of the regular yellow-orange exterior. Its flesh is mildly similar to melon’s flesh. It is versatile since it can be enjoyed raw, boiled, baked, or sautéed. Origin: Guatemala, Panama Availability: Year-Round
  • Pepino Melon

    $1.99 each
    Pepino Melons are oval and have an elongated shape that tapers to a point at the end. When fully ripe, the flesh of a Pepino Melon is dark yellow to pale orange with a juicy, melon-like texture and sweet, honeyed aroma and flavor.
    Origin: Ecuador
    Availability: Year-Round
  • Guava Pink

    $4.99 each
    Guava is native to the Caribbean. Its skin is thin, light yellow and blushed with pink. A ripe guava softens when you touch it. They emit a strong and sweet fragrance. It is a nutrient dense fruit with a long history of medicinal uses. Origin: U.S. Availability: Year-Round
  • Avocado Green is a lush fruit with bright green flesh from the tropics. They’re irresistibly rich in flavor and also provide vital nutrients. Origin: Dominican Republic, Florida Availability: April – January  


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