• Papaya Solo

    $1.89 each
    The Papaya solo is a melon like fruit with a thin skin ranging from green to orange enclosing a yellow-orange flesh. Papayas are a good source of vitamin A and C. The Papaya Solo enzyme is called Papain and it is used to break down tough meat fibers. Origin: Brazil Availability: Year-Round
  • Papaya Green

    $2.29 each
    Green Papaya has a smooth green skin instead of the regular yellow-orange exterior. Its flesh is mildly similar to melon’s flesh. It is versatile since it can be enjoyed raw, boiled, baked, or sautéed. Origin: Guatemala, Panama Availability: Year-Round
  • Mamey

    $8.00 each
    Mamey is large with brown, thick skin. Its flesh is a combination of orange-red, with a sweet, berry flavor. Because of its interesting taste and texture, the Mamey is rapidly gaining popularity. Mamey is usually eaten fresh and used in salads or drinks. Origin: U.S. Availability: March – December
  • Guava Thai

    $4.99 each
    Thai Guava is generally the size of a softball with green skin. Its flesh is white with pale yellow seeds and tend to be drier than pink guavas. Additionally, they have a mild sweet taste and little fragrance. Origin: U.S. Availability: Year-Round
  • Origin: Ecuador, Vietnam, U.S. Availability: Year Round  
  • Guava Pink

    $4.99 each
    Guava is native to the Caribbean. Its skin is thin, light yellow and blushed with pink. A ripe guava softens when you touch it. They emit a strong and sweet fragrance. It is a nutrient dense fruit with a long history of medicinal uses. Origin: U.S. Availability: Year-Round
  • Red Dragon Fruit looks almost identical to the white-fleshed variety. It sets apart by the color of its flesh and flavor. Having a pink to red meat, due to a compound called betacyanin present in beets. Origin: Nicaragua, Vietnam, U.S. Availability: May – November
  • Dragon Fruit Golden, also known as Pitahaya. It has a faint, sweet taste, much like an earthy watermelon. The health benefits of this fruit are plentiful, with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Origin: Colombia, Ecuador Availability: Year Round
  • Coconut Green

    $3.99 each
    Green Coconut is the large, green seed of a coconut palm. This type produces more water. They're typically harvested for their high water content. It has a sweet, very clean, and refreshing taste. So after you drink it, you can scrape out the white tender meat Origin: Costa Rica, U.S. Availability: Year-Round  
  • Thai or White Coconut is the younger version of the brown one. Producing more water and with a gelatinous and not very flavorful meat. Its meat can be turned into coconut milk if put through a juicer. Origin: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic Availability: Year- Round  
  • Coconut Dry

    $1.39 each
    Dry Coconut is the most common type of Coconut in the market. Characterized by a hard brown shell with a hairy appearance surrounding the flesh. Coconut can be considered a complete food as it’s incredibly rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, and natural sugars. Origin: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic Availability: Year-Round  
  • Breadfruit

    $5.89 each
    Breadfruit is a popular variant of mulberry enjoyed across the world. It is rich in starch and before being eaten they are roasted, baked, fried or boiled. When cooked the taste is described as potato-like, or similar to fresh-baked bread. Origin: Dominican Republic Availability: Year-Round


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